Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Mission to Susie Homemakerdom

So  I've decided to blog again.  I had a blog a few years ago when I was trying my hand at selling on Etsy.  My shop was Knits and Notions.  I mostly sold hand knit and needle felted items.  My biggest sellers were felted items.  Either way I just couldn't make money that came near covering my supplies and time (mostly time).  Who would want to pay $50 for a scarf?  But a scarf could take me a very long time to make.  I made nice things, but was not a speed knitter.  The needle felted items were made a bit quicker than the knitted ones, but they still took up more time than I could get a return on.

I am a full-time work out of home single mom who dreams of an organized, de-cluttered home where I would welcome an unannounced guest.  A mom who would love to make more foods from scratch instead of buying many prepared/easy to make foods.  A mom who wants to live more frugally, and more green.   I would love to be Susie Homemaker/June Cleaver, but there is only so much time in a day, and I'm TIRED for most of it!

Free time is available for me to pursue these things I want to do. I'll just have to seriously limit my "bubble"games on Face Book.   There has got to be a way for me to find the time to be the modern day Susie Homemaker I want to be.  Some things I will be embarking on are: more frugal daily living - making household cleaners, cooking more from scratch, couponing (not to the extreme we have no room for large stockpiles), and trying for the occasional giveaway (that in itself could be a full-time job); Organizing and better cleaning - I have to been trying to follow Fly Lady for some time now, and I will be working hard to follow along with her (if you are not familiar click here Fly Lady  then click on the "getting started" tab.)

I'll be posting my trials and tribulations, successes and failures in these endeavors as well as links to things that may be helpful/of interest to other moms who are in the same boat. 

Off now to put my linen closet back together.  I have had all my linen closet/bathroom closet items sitting in the corner of my living room for about two weeks now.  My landlord came to try to locate a leak from my bathroom to the downstairs.  They never found it, and I have yet to put everything back!